Emergency Dentistry

We feel it’s important to offer emergency dental services to our patients and neighbors in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding communities. When you have a dental emergency arise, please call our office. If it is after office hours, we will contact you as quickly as possible so we can help you get out of pain. 

Because there is a generous nerve supply to the teeth, an injury to the tooth or a deep cavity can cause severe and persistent pain. We can usually calm your pain down quickly once you make it to our office. Until you can arrive at our Washington, D.C. office, there are many actions you can take to reduce the discomfort. 

We suggest you bookmark this webpage so you can help yourself or someone in your family relieve the pain of a dental emergency until we can provide the emergency care needed.

Emergency Dental Services at District Smiles

  • Knocked-Out Teeth

    A knocked-out tooth can actually survive if it is replaced in the socket in less than an hour. Don’t touch the root of the tooth; only touch the white crown of the tooth. If you can, insert the tooth back in its socket facing the right direction and call our office immediately.

    If you can’t replace the tooth in its socket, put it in a cup of milk or saliva. If the person losing the tooth is old enough to do so safely, they can place the tooth inside their cheek. Keeping the tooth moist improves the chances of one of our dentists stably replacing it in its socket. The tooth must still be restored to its socket within an hour of being dislodged so be sure to call us immediately.

    If the knocked-out tooth is a child’s baby tooth, keep it moist and call our office immediately. We will be able to determine whether the whole tooth came out or just part of it, and if it can be placed back in the jaw. 

    A tooth that has been knocked out usually requires root canal therapy after the area has healed.

  • Missing Filling

    When decay occurs under a filling, it can cause the tooth to deteriorate and loosen the filling. Eventually the filling falls out. Applying clove oil to the area can reduce any pain. If you can’t get to our office right away and the tooth is aching, get dental cement at a pharmacy and spread a layer across the painful area. This will protect the area until you can see one of our dentists. Avoid hot, cold or sweet foods until you get the filling replaced.

  • Missing Crown

    If the crown is not broken, try fitting it back on the tooth. If it fits pretty well and it’s going to be a short while until you can arrive at our office, purchase dental cement at a pharmacy. Follow the directions to secure the crown in its place. Never use any other kind of glue or cement. 

    If the crown is broken or won’t stay on the tooth, use clove oil to reduce your discomfort. You can also spread dental cement over the bare tooth to protect it until you can come to our office. Call for an appointment.

  • Broken tooth

    If possible, bring the broken-off piece of tooth with you to our office. In the meantime, here are some steps you can take to relieve the pain:

    • Stop any bleeding by pressing gauze or a clean cloth directly on the area that’s bleeding.
    • Hold a cold compress to the cheek for pain relief. 
    • Get a commercially-prepared dental pain relief gel or drops at a pharmacy.
    • Spread dental cement purchased from a pharmacy over the broken tooth to protect it. Use dental cement only.

    If you have chipped a tooth but you are not in pain, save the chipped piece and call us during office hours to ask for our next available appointment. 

  • Cracked tooth

    Rinse the mouth with warm water. Put cold compresses on the cheek to keep the swelling down. Call us for further guidance

  • Toothache

    First, try cleaning the mouth out by rinsing it with warm water. Then gently use dental floss around the aching tooth to clean out any food that might be caught between the gum and the tooth. Never place an aspirin tablet on the tooth because it can burn tissues in the mouth. Call right away for an appointment.

  • Something Lodged Between the Teeth

    Don’t probe at your teeth or gums with something pointy, like a toothpick. Use floss to gently clean the area, then rinse with water. If the problem persists, contact us immediately so the object that’s stuck does not cause an infection. 

In-Network with Major PPO's:

We are here to serve you in all aspects of your dental health. For your convenience we accept the majority of dental PPO plans, credit cards, and offer reasonable prices. 

Learn More About Insurance

Convenient Location & Flexible Schedule:

Right across the street from the Whole Foods Market and the Tenley Town Metro, we offer office hours that include early mornings, evenings and even Sundays!

Contact Our Office

Preventing Dental Emergencies

There are actions you can take to prevent some of these emergency situations. They are:


Wear a mouthguard or have your children wear mouthguards whenever they are involved in contact sports. This can save so much pain and expense! We can create a custom-fit mouthguard for you or your children.

Hard Foods

Don’t try to chew hard foods like ice or hard candy. If you are eating popcorn, get rid of unpopped kernels first. 

Go Easy on Your Teeth

Never use your teeth as tools. Never open a plastic bag or other item by starting the tear with your teeth. Reach for a pair of scissors and spare your teeth. 

When a dental emergency strikes, finding immediate help for the pain or injury is vital. That’s why we offer emergency dental services to our patients and our community. When you find yourself in pain or if you have suffered an injury to your mouth or teeth, please call us the first moment possible. We will fit you into our schedule as quickly as we can or meet you after hours so we can stabilize your condition and get you out of pain. 

Please call our office number at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 202-363-4361. 

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